Letter of the Week: Why We DON'T Do It
This scene has been played out in early childhood classrooms across the country for years: It's Monday. A child enters their classroom...

How to Keep Your Children HEALTHY During Cold & Flu Season
Put them in a plastic bubble. The End. Nah, just kidding. Although, there may actually be a demand for that (business idea, anyone?). As...

I Paid WHAT For Child Care This Year!?!?
January is the time of year when we are wrapping up all our financials from the previous year. We review data, run reports, and issue...

The Down-Low on Beaufort Kindergarten Options
It's January. There's 7 months until August. That's 7 months until your little one, if they will be 5 on or before September 1st, will...

New Year, New Savvy Apple
Exciting things happening in 2019!
Two Years
TWO YEARS - how did that happen? Last Thursday was The Savvy Apple's two year anniversary. It feels like it was just yesterday, and at...

The Phoenix Project: Our Teacher's Story
About four years ago, I met a woman who was the substitute teacher in one of the other first grade classrooms at my school. I admired the...

It Takes a Village
I had thousands of ideas running through my head when I realized my dream of opening a school would become a reality. Of those thousands,...

Blog? Yes, please!
I have been thinking about creating a blog for our school for a long time now. This just seems like the right time. I am excited to use...